
Why is DEI Important in the Workplace?

Why is DEI Important in the Workplace?

by Catalyst Inc. Why is DEI Important in the Workplace? Research from Catalyst and around the world has found that diversity1 and inclusion2 b...
Are You a Likely CEO?

Are You a Likely CEO?

by May 9, 2016 —  Track your chances of becoming a chief executive at one of the world’s largest companies, based on a s...
2015 Catalyst Census: Women and Men Board Directors

2015 Catalyst Census: Women and Men Board Directors

by Catalyst at, 2015 Catalyst Census: Women and Men Board Directors. New York: Catalyst, 2016 — A statistical overview of the gender ...
12 women shortlisted to feature on new Canadian banknote

12 women shortlisted to feature on new Canadian banknote Apr 29, 2016 — The list includes artists Emily Carr and Pitseolak Ashoona and authors Lucy Maud Montgomery, Pauline Johnson and Gabrie...
Room for Improvement at the Top

Room for Improvement at the Top

by Daniel Gross, Executive Editor, May 5, 2016 — There was a surprising finding in the Strategy& 2015 CEO Success study....
The first comprehensive study on women in venture capital and their impact on female founders

The first comprehensive study on women in venture capital and their impact on female founders

by Gené Teare, Ned Desmond - - Apr 19, 2016 — The CrunchBase Women in Venture report is the third study in our ongoing analysis...
Only one woman was named CEO of a major company in North America in 2015

Only one woman was named CEO of a major company in North America in 2015

by Jena McGregor Apr 21, 2016 —  Just four percent of S&P 500 CEOs are women. Only 19 percent of those companies' board mem...
The power of parity: Advancing women's equality in the United States

The power of parity: Advancing women's equality in the United States

by Kweilin Ellingrud, Anu Madgavkar, James Manyika, Jonathan Woetzel, Vivian Riefberg, Mekala Krishnan, and Mili Seoni - Report McKinsey Global Ins...
CRTC chair calls out telecom industry for lack of women at hearing

CRTC chair calls out telecom industry for lack of women at hearing

by Christine Dobby, Telecom Reporter,, Apr 22, 2016 — During a hearing focused on the problem of high-speed access and affordab...
Does Confidence Trump Competence?

Does Confidence Trump Competence?

by Colette Carlson — If you’ve ever wondered why someone with similar skills seems to get ahead faster, it may be due to their level of confidence ...
How To Choose a Really Good Mentor

How To Choose a Really Good Mentor

by Jeanette Calandra,, Apr 12, 2016 — Over the course of your career The mentor who helped you launch your career may not be best...
More women in senior roles: If only companies really wanted it

More women in senior roles: If only companies really wanted it

by Gerry Purcell and Shirley Knight - 2011 — More women in senior roles: If only companies really wanted it Promoting wome...