
Our Mission

To raise awareness and promote collaborative, competent and effective gender balance, diversity and inclusion on advisory boards, board of directors and executive c-suite, empower more qualified women to take action, and drive the message of equality and efficacy into corporate boardrooms worldwide.

Shaking the Tree

Sit At The Table™ (SATT) is the evolution of amazing people around the globe who are passionate about seeing more qualified women in leadership positions. We work alongside organizations and various groups to fulfill this mission.

We began in April 2011 as a social forum to gauge interest in more qualified women on corporate boards and in the c-suite. Within the first month of launching on the web and social media, bloggers, organizations and ambassadors from around the globe began contacting us to ask about collaboration and events. SATT does not sell products and services, and therefore, does not generate revenue. We may however, recommend products and services offered by our content contributors and members of our worldwide network.

Our focus is helping women in business find what they need to excel in this bold new world of equitable collaboration at the top. We connect women with organizations that specialize in leadership, on-boarding, public speaking, confidence building, coaching, corporate governance, information technology, tools for directors, and more. We invite all genders and cultures to join the conversation. A new day is dawning!

Top Line Positioning • Value

To inform, encourage, connect, and empower women wanting to pursue Advisory, Director and Executive C-suite opportunities, whether public or private corporations. Our network provides an array of products and services designed especially for this market.

Women, it's time to #SitAtTheTable — the corporate Boardroom and Csuite, and men need to be part of this change!

There needs to be more qualified women on corporate boards and the executive c-suite, although the task appears to be less daunting for men. We support all genders and nationalities. Everyone is welcome!

Our Logo Design by

Our logo by @jaydubdesign


Note:  Content shared on our Twitter timeline and other social media platforms does not equal endorsement. Information is shared to raise awareness, spark discussion and action by corporations to encourage and support more qualified women on corporate boards. Our blog and social media are manually curated. Follow us at @SitAtTheTable