
There Are Now More Fortune 500 Companies With All-Male Boards Than In 2015

There Are Now More Fortune 500 Companies With All-Male Boards Than In 2015

by Jared Lindzon Mar 28, 2016 — There Are Now More Fortune 500 Companies With All-Male Boards Than In 2015 According to data March ...
On Leadership: Fortune’s ranking of the ‘World’s Greatest Leaders’ is nearly half women

On Leadership: Fortune’s ranking of the ‘World’s Greatest Leaders’ is nearly half women

by Jena McGregor Mar 24, 2016 — Fortune Magazine released its third annual list of the World's Greatest Leaders on Thursday, an...
Yet more research proves it: Companies with women in senior roles are more profitable

Yet more research proves it: Companies with women in senior roles are more profitable

by Cassie Werber Mar 8, 2016 — “The results are clear,” writes Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, in ...
A Pragmatic Look At The Gender Pay Gap

A Pragmatic Look At The Gender Pay Gap

by Kristen Pressner, UN Women, Feb 28, 2016 — Maximizing pay, minimizing the gap.Let us talk about the gender pay gap.‘Women make 77 cents to a m...
One in four young people think Prime Minister isn’t a job for a woman

One in four young people think Prime Minister isn’t a job for a woman

by Daniel Hunter Jan 29, 2016 —  The study of 2,000 young people aged 4-18 highlights how deeply engrained and outdated s...
Study: Companies With Strong Female Leadership Perform Better. Now What?

Study: Companies With Strong Female Leadership Perform Better. Now What?

by Amy Jo Martin, Jan 28, 2016 —  Do women in business impact the bottom line? Yes. A 31-page research report, published in...
Why 2015 Was A Terrible Year to Be a Female Fortune 500 CEO

Why 2015 Was A Terrible Year to Be a Female Fortune 500 CEO

by Kristen Bellstrom Dec 23, 2015 — Now, as 2015 draws to a close, it’s clear that the balance has definitively tipped in one direction...
Global Trends in Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards

Global Trends in Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards

by Linda-Eling Lee, Ric Marshall, Damion Rallis, Matt Moscardi, Women on Boards, Nov 2015 — EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  Many global asset owne...
Women on boards: what happens now?

Women on boards: what happens now?

by Harriet Minter Oct 29, 2015 —  Lord Davies promised 25% of FTSE100 board positions would be held by women by 2015, and has excee...
A third of boardroom positions should be held by women, UK firms told

A third of boardroom positions should be held by women, UK firms told

by Julia Kollewe and Shane Hickey - Oct 29, 2015 - courtesy of Guardian News & Media Ltd. —  Gender equality report by Mervyn Davies will set n...
Women on Boards in Ireland 2015

Women on Boards in Ireland 2015

by Institute of Directors in Ireland, Women on Boards in Ireland 2015 - — Women on Boards in Ireland 2015, details the findings ...
Why Diversity Matters

Why Diversity Matters

by Vivian Hunt, Dennis Layton, and Sara Prince - Jan 2015 — "New research makes it increasingly clear that companies with more div...