Full Steam Ahead! Unleash the Power of Vision in Your Work and Your Life, 2nd Edition - Hardcover

by Ken Blanchard (Author), Jesse Lyn Stoner (Author), Patrick Lencioni (Foreword)


The first edition of Full Steam Ahead!—an international bestseller that was translated into twenty-two languages—pioneered the concept of vision as the vital ingredient for truly satisfying long-term success. In this new edition, Ken Blanchard and Jesse Lyn Stoner offer new content and new resources to help you create and communicate a vision that will radically transform your work and your life.

When do we need vision? During times of growth, change, or opportunity — so that we know we’re headed in the right direction. We also need vision during times of uncertainty—when we’ve lost confidence in our leaders, our institutions, or ourselves. Instead of focusing on “what’s next,” we need to refocus on “what’s first.” Getting back to the basics means knowing who you are, where you’re going, and what will guide your journey—having a vision. This is the place from which we must start (or revisit) if we want to thrive. When work is meaningful and connected to what we truly desire, we tap into a productive and creative power stronger than we ever imagined.

Ken Blanchard and Jesse Stoner show how to create a vision for your organization, and for your own life, that will unleash your power and potential and allow you to go Full Steam Ahead! They offer numerous examples of effective visions and show exactly how to create an enduring vision that will guide you on a daily basis.

The lessons of Full Steam Ahead! are revealed through the inspirational story of two people who are able to create a vision for the place they work and for their own lives. Together they discover the three elements of a compelling vision: a significant purpose, a picture of the future, and clear values. By understanding how a vision is created, communicated, and lived, they discover how to make a vision come alive. read more...