Did You Know?
Companies With More Women Board Directors Experience Higher Financial Performance - Catalyst
Read the report...
Did you know?
Companies With More Women Board Directors Experience Higher Financial Performance - Catalyst Inc.
Fortune 500 companies with the highest representation of women board directors attained significantly higher financial performance, on average, than those with the lowest representation of women board directors.
Gender Diversity
Reinventing the workplace for greater gender diversity - McKinsey & Company
Three efforts could kick-start progress to get more women in leadership positions.
The case for gender diversity is compelling, but McKinsey research—including a new report, Women Matter 2016: Reinventing the workplace to unlock the potential of gender diversity...
New study
Is Diversity in the Boardroom Reversing? - strategy+business
A new study on gender and ethnic diversity in corporate governance sets off alarms.
After rising steadily for the past seven years, the number of women in the boardroom actually fell in 2016. According to Heidrick & Struggles’...
Team — together everyone achieves more
Sound Advice: Priceless
Delighted to introduce you to our Mentors. They bring many years of wisdom, experience and skills to the table. Thanks to these agents of change, we’re able to stay ahead of the curve on a number of issues that shape the global business community. Mentors provide expertise to our management team on a casual basis.
Global Experience
This working Advisory Board creates global awareness and provides guidance and experience on a range of topics from branding and global outreach strategy to collaboration, cross-marketing agreements and more. These savvy individuals bring expertise and insights to our management team on a casual basis.
We Appreciate You
Thank you for supporting Our Mission.
SATT's social communities would not continue to be lively and meaningful without you!
"The ambassador was never present, but his presence was never absent." -Theodore C. Sorensen
Mentors vs. advisory boards
"Some entrepreneurs need more than just a one-on-one mentoring relationship to help their companies grow. While a mentor helps you navigate personal challenges, an advisory board helps manage the strategic direction of the company.
Advisory boards are typically comprised of various experts capable of providing insights about specific areas of the business. For example, you might have a lawyer on your advisory board to help work through legal issues and someone from a CPA firm to address financial concerns.
Mentoring relationships are informal, while advisory boards are more structured. Also, advisory board members are usually incentivized to participate with financial or other rewards. But regardless of the motivation, it’s important to use the group’s time wisely and make the best use of the skills and connections each advisor brings to the table."
Our Journey — highlights April 2011 to present
Follow on X for Updates and to Join the Conversation
2023 — @SitAtTheTable
Thanks to our team, content contributors, social followers and ambassadors for being part of our community here since 2011.
Onalytica Business Intelligence Top 100 Influencers Brands Publications
2018 — Onalytica Top 100 BI List
TY @Onalytica! Honored to be included on your 2018 Business Intelligence Top 100 Influencers, Brands & Publications.
50/50 Day 2018 with Tiffany Shlain and team at letitripple.org
2018 — 2nd Annual 50/50 Day Event
What a fantastic experience 50/50 Day was! Click on read more for this year's highlights. Register early for 2019.
50/50 Day 2017 with Tiffany Shlain and team at letitripple.org
2017 — 1st Annual 50/50 Day Event
Thousands of events around the globe to discuss what it will take to get to a more gender-balanced world. 50/50 Day 2017 received: Over 500 million press and online impressions, 11,020 unique events, 50+ live streamed speakers, panels in NY, DC and LA, and a Times Square billboard. Visit our website for a full list, videos and more!
Cheryl Hunter - Blogger and Life Coach in Los Angeles and New York
2016 — Resilience Tips from Cheryl
Two-time bestselling author, coach, international speaker and news source about resilience. Cheryl helps people change the direction of their lives through her work as a coach, speaker and bestselling author. She also provides expert commentary on the subject for news sources like CNN, HLN and PBS.
SATT's Library Launched
2016 — Our Library is Now Live
Have you checked out the fabulous books in our Library lately?
Click on the Contact Us button on our website if you've written a book that may interest our audience and you'd like to submit it for consideration here.
High Content Programs to Empower Longevity
2015 to 2019 — Strategic Partnership
Featuring Skytop Strategies NYC to promote their global peer-based events (e.g. gender equality).
Skytop provides a platform for market-moving dialogue by connecting decision...
Finding your Voice as a Woman in Leadership
2014 — Workshop with Peter McCoppin
For organizations wanting to empower women they employ from back office to sales and C-suite to Board of Directors.
Contact Peter directly for more infomation.
Guest Bloggers from Around the Globe
2013 — Guest Bloggers
Our list of talented bloggers continues to grow on a casual basis.
Interested in becoming a Guest Blogger? Click on the Contact Us button on our website to let us know.
Women of Influence Canadian Diversity Champions Award
2012 — Women of Influence Awards
We're honored to stand next to all who received this prestigious award.
This year's Diversity Champions list has more than tripled in size as it includes both men and women leaders and its reach is Canada wide in scope.
First Day Online at SitAtTheTable.org
2011 — April 25 Soft Launch
Sit At The Table™ is born. Launched our first website at sitatthetable.org and social presence on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
Our ambassador team grew organically and today we continue to share content for organizations and individuals around the globe who believe in our mission.